Discoveries For Better Radiation Therapy
Changing the World Together with RadRes
Aloha, we at Papineni Labs are excited to present multiple research works here at RRS 2016. This includes a Topical Review on Systems Radiopharmacology- Coined to describe a interface between Drug Discovery, System Biology, and Radiobiology.
Talk Topical Review 16-01 Wednesday October 19th 8 AM to 9 AM
Infection and
radiation injury forwards a system approach to drug repurposing
J. Bioanal
Biomed 2015, 7:4
PS3-33 Diseases and pathologies begin at gut and
forwards a system approach to drug repurposing.
Brown adipose tissue activity in cancer
and treatment -a clinical evaluation
Other Partners in Action:
Dr. Shahid Umar Dr. Alexey Goltsov Dr. Jyotsna. Rao
Papineni Labs are Biomedical Research Labs in Honor of my Father Mr. Papineni Venkateswara Rao.
"Molecular Imaging - Wisdom to See for Maladies to Flee"
Dr. Rao V. L. Papineni
Disclosure: Travel Support from Precision X-Ray Inc.
X-Ray (PXi),
headquartered in North Branford, Connecticut, is the leader in small-animal
cabinet irradiators and radiotherapy research systems worldwide. PXi
provides easy-to-operate, reliable, safe and cost-effective X-ray imaging and
X-ray irradiation systems that set the standard for quality, reliability and