Friday, September 30, 2016

Systems Radiopharmacology at Hawaii - by Dr. Rao Papineni

                  Discoveries For Better Radiation Therapy 

                             Changing the World Together with RadRes


The society Message is as follows- as the population of Americans and the world increases so too does the risk of developing cancer. Radiotherapy plays a prominent role in the control and eradication of nearly every type of cancer and critical to the continued and future success of radiotherapy is a fundamental understanding of radiation effects at the biophysical, radiochemical, molecular and tissue specific levels. The increasing world population also places a heavy demand on technology at many levels, many of which depend on radiation for energy production, food sterilization and medical diagnostics. Occupational and environmental exposures can contribute to secondary radiogenic cancers highlighting further the need to understand the detailed effects of ionizing radiation exposure on biological systems. The efficient and timely detection and treatment of cancer and other diseases that depend on radiation will not only improve patient outcomes and quality of life for cancer survivors, but also help resolve rising health-care expenses. 

Aloha, we at Papineni Labs are excited to present multiple research works here at RRS 2016. This includes a Topical Review on Systems Radiopharmacology-  Coined to describe a interface between Drug Discovery, System Biology, and Radiobiology.

Talk  Topical Review 16-01   Wednesday October 19th 8 AM to 9 AM

Infection and radiation injury forwards a system approach to drug repurposing


Papineni et al. J. Bioanal Biomed 2015, 7:4


PS1-29  Energy disruptor glycosylation hacker 2-deoxyglucose a multi-purpose cancer drug.

PS3-33  Diseases and pathologies begin at gut and forwards a system approach to drug repurposing.

PS8-36  Brown adipose tissue activity in cancer and treatment -a clinical evaluation

Other Partners in Action:

Image result for shahid umar KUMC         Image result for alexey Goltsov abertay
Dr. Shahid Umar                 Dr. Alexey Goltsov           Dr. Jyotsna. Rao

Papineni Labs are Biomedical Research Labs in Honor of my Father Mr. Papineni Venkateswara Rao.



Dr. Rao Papineni

"Molecular Imaging - Wisdom to See for Maladies to Flee"
                                                          Dr. Rao V. L. Papineni

Disclosure:  Travel Support from Precision X-Ray Inc.          

Precision X-Ray (PXi), headquartered in North Branford, Connecticut, is the leader in small-animal cabinet irradiators and radiotherapy research systems worldwide.  PXi provides easy-to-operate, reliable, safe and cost-effective X-ray imaging and X-ray irradiation systems that set the standard for quality, reliability and accuracy.